Commutant lifting theorem

Operator theorem

In operator theory, the commutant lifting theorem, due to Sz.-Nagy and Foias, is a powerful theorem used to prove several interpolation results.


The commutant lifting theorem states that if T {\displaystyle T} is a contraction on a Hilbert space H {\displaystyle H} , U {\displaystyle U} is its minimal unitary dilation acting on some Hilbert space K {\displaystyle K} (which can be shown to exist by Sz.-Nagy's dilation theorem), and R {\displaystyle R} is an operator on H {\displaystyle H} commuting with T {\displaystyle T} , then there is an operator S {\displaystyle S} on K {\displaystyle K} commuting with U {\displaystyle U} such that

R T n = P H S U n | H n 0 , {\displaystyle RT^{n}=P_{H}SU^{n}\vert _{H}\;\forall n\geq 0,}


S = R . {\displaystyle \Vert S\Vert =\Vert R\Vert .}

Here, P H {\displaystyle P_{H}} is the projection from K {\displaystyle K} onto H {\displaystyle H} . In other words, an operator from the commutant of T can be "lifted" to an operator in the commutant of the unitary dilation of T.


The commutant lifting theorem can be used to prove the left Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation theorem, the Sarason interpolation theorem, and the two-sided Nudelman theorem, among others.


  • Vern Paulsen, Completely Bounded Maps and Operator Algebras 2002, ISBN 0-521-81669-6
  • B Sz.-Nagy and C. Foias, "The "Lifting theorem" for intertwining operators and some new applications", Indiana Univ. Math. J 20 (1971): 901-904
  • Foiaş, Ciprian, ed. Metric Constrained Interpolation, Commutant Lifting, and Systems. Vol. 100. Springer, 1998.
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