一般句読点 (Unicodeのブロック)

General Punctuation
範囲 U+2000..U+206F
(112 個の符号位置)
用字 Common (109 char.)
Inherited (2 char.)
記号集合 Punctuation
Format controls
割当済 111 個の符号位置
未使用 1 個の保留
6 個の非推奨 (en)
1.0.0 67 (+67)
1.1 76 (+9)
3.0 83 (+7)
3.2 95 (+12)
4.0 97 (+2)
4.1 106 (+9)
5.1 107 (+1)
6.3 111 (+4)
備考: [1] [2]

Unicode の一般句読点 (英語: General Punction) ブロックには文書を記述する上で必要な書式制御文字、句読点込物が含まれる。幾つかの種類の空白や結合文字方向決定子勾玉引用符(英語版) [註 1]感嘆修辞疑問符(‽) などの記事や小説で用いられる句読点、不可視の数学用文字などが含まれる。

その他のここに収録されていない句読点は 補助句読点 (Unicodeのブロック)(英語版) と他の多くのブロックに散在している。


Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF)
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
U+200x NQ
U+201x  NB 
U+202x L
U+205x MM
U+206x  WJ   ƒ()    ×     ,     +    LRI   RLI   FSI   PDI  I
1.^ Unicode 10.0 より
2.^ 網掛けは非割り当て領域を表わす
3.^U+206A U+206F Unicode 3.0 非推奨


一般句読点ブロックの二文字 U+203C U+2049 には絵文字が提供されている [3] [4]

絵文字形式 (U+FE0F VS16) 若しくはテキスト形式 (U+FE0E VS15) の累計4種の異字体選択子が提供されている。両文字とも既定ではテキスト形式である [5]

U+ 203C 2049
VS15添加 (テキスト形式) ‼︎ ⁉︎
VS16添加 (絵文字形式) ‼️ ⁉️


次の Unicode 関連の文書は、一般句読点ブロックそれぞれの文字を定義する目的・収録状況を記録している:

バージョン Final code points[a] 追加文字数 L2 ID WG2 ID 文書
1.0.0 U+2000..202E, 2030..203E, 2040..2044 67 (to be determined)
L2/11-438[b][c] N4182 Edberg, Peter (2011-12-22), Emoji Variation Sequences (Revision of L2/11-429) 
1.1 U+203F, 2045..2046, 206A..206F 9 (to be determined)
3.0 U+202F, 2048..2049 3 L2/98-088 N1711 The Working Meeting on Mongolian Encoding Attended by Representatives of China and Mongolia, (1998-02-15) 
L2/98-104 N1734 Whistler, Ken (1998-03-20), Comments on the Mongolian Encoding Proposal, WG2 N1711 
L2/98-252 N1833 Moore, Richard (1998-05-04), Feedback on Ken Whistler's Comments on Mongolian Encoding: N 1734 
L2/98-251 N1808 Reply to "Proposal WG2 N1734" Raised at the Seattle Meeting Regarding "Proposal WG 2 N1711", (1998-07-09) 
L2/98-389R Aliprand, Joan, Consent docket re WG2 Resolutions at its Meeting #35 
L2/99-075.1 N1973 Irish Comments on SC 2 N 3208, (1999-01-19) 
L2/99-075 N1972 Summary of Voting on SC 2 N 3208, PDAM ballot on WD for ISO/IEC 10646-1/Amd. 29: Mongolian, (1999-02-12) 
L2/99-113 Text for FPDAM ballot of ISO/IEC 10646, Amd. 29 - Mongolian, (1999-04-06) 
L2/99-304 N2126 Paterson, Bruce (1999-10-01), Revised Text for FDAM ballot of ISO/IEC 10646-1/FDAM 29, AMENDMENT 29: Mongolian 
L2/99-381 Final text for ISO/IEC 10646-1, FDAM 29 -- Mongolian, (1999-12-07) 
L2/07-209 Whistler, Ken (2007-07-05), UTR 14 and U+202F NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE 
L2/07-225 Moore, Lisa (2007-08-21), UTC #112 Minutes 
L2/11-438[b][c] N4182 Edberg, Peter (2011-12-22), Emoji Variation Sequences (Revision of L2/11-429) 
L2/15-187 Moore, Lisa (2015-08-11), UTC #144 Minutes 
L2/16-258 Eck, Greg (2016-09-19), Mongolian Base Forms, Positional Forms, & Variant Forms 
L2/16-259 N4753 Eck, Greg; Rileke, Orlog Ou (2016-09-20), WG2 #65 Mongolian Discussion Points 
L2/16-266 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; McGowan, Rick; Pournader, Roozbeh; Glass, Andrew; Iancu, Laurențiu; Moore, Lisa (2016-09-26), Comments on Mongolian, Small Khitan, and other WG2 #65 documents 
L2/16-297 N4769 Anderson, Deborah (2016-10-27), Mongolian ad hoc report 
U+204A..204D 4 (to be determined)
3.2 U+2047, 2051 2 L2/99-238 Consolidated document containing 6 Japanese proposals, (1999-07-15) 
N2092 Addition of forty eight characters, (1999-09-13) 
L2/99-365 Moore, Lisa (1999-11-23), Comments on JCS Proposals 
L2/00-024 Shibano, Kohji (2000-01-31), JCS proposal revised 
L2/99-260R Moore, Lisa (2000-02-07), Minutes of the UTC/L2 meeting in Mission Viejo, October 26-28, 1999 
L2/00-098 N2195 Rationale for non-Kanji characters proposed by JCS committee, (2000-03-15) 
L2/00-119[d] N2191R Whistler, Ken; Freytag, Asmus (2000-04-19), Encoding Additional Mathematical Symbols in Unicode 
L2/00-297 N2257 Sato, T. K. (2000-09-04), JIS X 0213 symbols part-1 
L2/00-342 N2278 Sato, T. K.; Everson, Michael; Whistler, Ken; Freytag, Asmus (2000-09-20), Ad hoc Report on Japan feedback N2257 and N2258 
U+204E..2050, 2057, 205F..2062 8 L2/00-119[d] N2191R Whistler, Ken; Freytag, Asmus (2000-04-19), Encoding Additional Mathematical Symbols in Unicode 
U+2052, 2063 2 L2/01-142[d] N2336 Beeton, Barbara; Freytag, Asmus; Ion, Patrick (2001-04-02), Additional Mathematical Symbols 
L2/01-156 N2356 Freytag, Asmus (2001-04-03), Additional Mathematical Characters (Draft 10) 
L2/01-344 N2353 Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2001-09-09), Minutes from SC2/WG2 meeting #40 -- Mountain View, April 2001 
4.0 U+2053..2054 2 L2/02-141 N2419 Everson, Michael (2002-03-20), Uralic Phonetic Alphabet characters for the UCS 
L2/02-192 Everson, Michael (2002-05-02), Everson's Reply on UPA 
N2442 Everson, Michael; Kolehmainen, Erkki I.; Ruppel, Klaas; Trosterud, Trond (2002-05-21), Justification for placing the Uralic Phonetic Alphabet in the BMP 
L2/02-291 Whistler, Ken (2002-05-31), WG2 report from Dublin 
L2/02-292 Whistler, Ken (2002-06-03), Early look at WG2 consent docket 
L2/02-166R2 Moore, Lisa (2002-08-09), UTC #91 Minutes 
L2/02-253 Moore, Lisa (2002-10-21), UTC #92 Minutes 
4.1 U+2055 1 L2/03-151R Constable, Peter; Lloyd-Williams, James; Lloyd-Williams, Sue; Chowdhury, Shamsul Islam; Ali, Asaddar; Sadique, Mohammed; Chowdhury, Matiar Rahman (2003-05-10), Revised Proposal for Encoding Syloti Nagri Script in the BMP 
L2/03-136 Moore, Lisa (2003-08-18), UTC #95 Minutes 
U+2056, 2058..2059 3 L2/03-282R N2610R Everson, Michael; Cleminson, Ralph (2003-09-04), Final proposal for encoding the Glagolitic script in the UCS 
L2/03-324 N2642 Pantelia, Maria (2003-10-06), Proposal to encode additional Greek editorial and punctuation characters in the UCS 
U+205A..205C 3 L2/03-157 Pantelia, Maria (2003-05-19), Additional Beta Code Characters not in Unicode (WIP) 
L2/03-193R N2612-7 Pantelia, Maria (2003-06-11), Proposal to encode additional Punctuation Characters in the UCS 
U+205D 1 L2/02-312R Pantelia, Maria (2002-11-07), Proposal to encode additional Greek editorial and punctuation characters in the UCS 
L2/03-324 N2642 Pantelia, Maria (2003-10-06), Proposal to encode additional Greek editorial and punctuation characters in the UCS 
U+205E 1 L2/03-354 N2655 Freytag, Asmus (2003-10-10), Proposal -- Symbols used in Dictionaries 
L2/03-356R2 Moore, Lisa (2003-10-22), UTC #97 Minutes 
5.1 U+2064 1 L2/07-011R N3198R Freytag, Asmus; Beeton, Barbara; Ion, Patrick; Sargent, Murray; Carlisle, David; Pournader, Roozbeh (2007-01-15), 29 Additional Mathematical and Symbol Characters 
6.3 U+2066..2069 4 L2/12-186R Lanin, Aharon; Davis, Mark; Pournader, Roozbeh (2012-07-24), A Proposal for Bidi Isolates in Unicode 
L2/12-290 N4310 Lanin, Aharon; Davis, Mark; Pournader, Roozbeh (2012-07-31), Proposal for Four Characters for Bidi 
L2/12-239 Moore, Lisa (2012-08-14), UTC #132 Minutes 
L2/13-040 Pournader, Roozbeh; Lanin, Aharon (2013-01-29), Fasttracking Arabic Letter Mark (ALM) 
L2/13-125 N4447 Constable, Peter (2013-06-10), Unicode Liaison Report to WG2 
  1. ^ 提案された符号位置及び文字名称は、最終的なそれらと異なる場合がある
  2. ^ a b L2/10-458 及び L2/11-414、L2/11-415、L2/11-429 も参照のこと
  3. ^ a b ここにない記号や絵文字の詳細はその他の記号 を参照せよ
  4. ^ a b c ここにない数学記号の詳細はその他の数学記号 (Unicode) を参照せよ



  • Unicode 一般句読点 - CyberLibrarian
  • 一般句読点 - ユニコード一覧表:Unicode(文字入力可能)



  1. ^ 勾玉引用符 (smart quote) とは、左右 (開き/閉じ) の向きと対応が正しい引用符のこと。


  1. ^ “Unicode character database”. The Unicode Standard. 2017年11月1日閲覧。
  2. ^ “Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard”. The Unicode Standard. 2017年11月1日閲覧。
  3. ^ “UTR #51: Unicode Emoji”. Unicode Consortium (2017年5月18日). 2017年11月1日閲覧。
  4. ^ “UCD: Emoji Data for UTR #51”. Unicode Consortium (2017年3月27日). 2017年11月1日閲覧。
  5. ^ “UTS #51 Emoji Variation Sequences”. The Unicode Consortium. 2017年11月1日閲覧。